Saturday, July 16, 2011

If I change my College major (area) Art to Graphic Design(Advertizing) how more years do have to get a BA?

I have been in college studying Fine Art (studio). I have been in school working on a BA in Art. I was at Junior status at the University of North Florida. I have been real undecided of what minor I could take with the major that I can do something with it. There are a few subjects that I have a interest in which is psychology and cultural (anthropology). Lately I have felt a bit apprehensive of what my passion may be about it. I only enjoy Art because I love to draw or paint picture of things that I may find interesting or appealing to me like a figure(model), object or nature. I like to sketch ideas to create (a design) or something I imagined. I'm just not sure what I want to do! I do NOT know if I want to teach! I only hold a general Associate's and Arts degree (AA). I have been out of school since '07. The reason why I'm asking is in case I decide to go back to school to change my area major how much longer do I have for a BA? I have been checking on jobs I have only done some Volunteer activity at a Art Museum. I am planning on submitting some of my artwork Online so that I may have Art gallery on a website. If anyone can offer me some good advice what else would be good to make some money on the side please feel free to offer your candid advice! I would appreciate it! Thank you for your time!

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