Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is it ok to write on a college essay that I lack self-confidence?

Even a generalized study like business requires some strengths in the personality areas . And just getting along well with others won't put you in a strong light at the college level. What if in the first semester you find social pressures are causing you stress and you want to quit. Emphasise what things you believe in for life and so for weakness ed . Like if I am .....I will use this method for adjustment . Or if I am stressed I will use what I believe firmly in like.....The truth is the mind can be affected to become weak at times during the day and one result could be one bad decision. Will that makes you feel bad that night? So preconditioning to your beliefs is a sign of strength even if it maybe come a stubborn trait as seen by others. Your strengths need to follow the type of curriculum you have chosen. Like hobbies for .... may not help you to keep abreast of current business issues. If you are in doubt I can proof read it and then you decide if my judgment is suited for your personality. I guess what I am saying as well as encouraging is brave is your time. Cheers.

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